What I can do for you

I am able to detect and transform the root causes of your feelings of emptiness, exhaustion and being stuck.

My gift is to call in the unseen, it is as present as the seen. The foundations of your challenges are all backed up in your multidimensional system, all your mental, emotional and carmic burdens. I check through all those layers and pull out the information structures to then instantly transform them. We all have saved a multitude of stories in our energy fields that may come up and be released .

We have forgotten who we truly are, but all the information is there in our energy fields, all the stories as well as all the gifts.

Have you ever felt guilty about being unhappy, allthough your life is perfect on the outside? This feeling is not to blame on the current moon phase - something in you is coming up to be seen and released. It is my gift to find what you are not aware of and lead it into healing.

If your energy level is at rock bottom and your self-esteem as well, I will help you back into your full potential and you can enjoy your life with ease. As a test medium, I work only with your system and free of preconceived notions.

Your concern will already become clearer and easier in the first session.

Get to know me in a free initial conversation and we will discuss how I can support you.

Book me

I will create your individual program after our free initial consultation.

Once you understand the unified field and the priciples of frequency, resonance and dissonance, you can shift everything in your life.
— Katrin Lambert

"You are an angel of death and a midwife at the same time" my coach once said when I started my work, "you help to release the energetic burdens deeply and support people to come into their self-empowerment."

At first I was a bit startled by this assessment, but it's completely true. Anyway, more flattering than the assessment of a (honestly) dear colleague: "You are the mega cleaning commando!"


My services are spiritual in nature. I do not make any diagnoses or suggestions for therapy. My work does not replace that of a doctor.

The word “healing” shall be understood as “being whole” in a holistic sense, for your whole being in space and time.


Whatever is coming up in you, is ready to be seen and to leave!


Photo by Astrid Freia



I suffered for a long time from utter exhaustion and could not find any physical reason for it. I was well nutritioned, fit and in perfect health. I knew it was not a surface issue, but something deeper. I heard through my best friend about a PraNeoHom© practitioner who was able to help me solve the problem. She found and released a carmic burden that I had uncounsciously taken over from an ancestor. Then we cleansed my home office from electrosmog and I was back in my full power within hours. Then I knew that I wanted to explore this method and dive deeper. I had found my calling and wanted to ring this practice out into the world. Soon after that I started my training which I completed with a diploma and now complement PraNeoHom© and the UrLicht9er® - energetic vibration transformation with Matrix Quantum Coaching and shamanic elements.




© touch concept


I have had two healing sessions with Katrin and they were both amazing. Katrin listens very carefully to what you say as you explain what it is you want help with. In my case my issue was due to severe psychic attacks over ten years ago and things that were still there causing me problems.
I was a little shocked with what she found and cleared for me and I am truly grateful for how she has helped me. She is very talented at what she does and very thorough. She leaves nothing to chance and makes sure you get the help you need. Katrin is an amazing lady and I highly recommend her services.
— Jackie
Katrin Lambert is in my eyes a very wonderful companion and a wonderfully heartfelt person. In addition, a loving, extremely professional tracking nose for all topics of our humanity and beyond! It doesn’t matter if it concerns body, mind or soul, Katrin will always find it with all her methods and interdisciplines and before you know it, she has a suitable answer and solution ready. With her nothing is mixed or blurred, but concentrated and quickly worked on clearly with the intention to let go of the old and to be able to live life according to your very own true core.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
— Miltrud A.
Every time after a session with Katrin I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Physically and mentally I feel lighter and clearer. I feel more energized and centred within myself and feel like I have been given a better understanding of myself and how I want to feel in the future. The short term and long term benefits I experience are that I have a deeper and better understanding of why certain behavioural and thought patterns are dominant in my life. Understanding the root of these issues helps me deal with them better in the present, and helps me put them into perspective. She makes sure that she has done everything in her power before finishing a session, and truly works from her heart.
— Romy R.
Unhappy partnership to which one struggles, financial lack, thoughts and worries about God and the world.
Why did they always come in faithful resubmission? Now I know, thanks to your support, and enjoy having given my life a giant turning point. I now enjoy my life, feel liberated from old, annoying thoughts and self-esteem problems.
You have managed to bring out my most beautiful self and have encouraged me to free myself as an independent woman. Through this I draw a completely different man into my life, one who loves himself and is therefore the love of my life.
— Astrid S.
Turning over problems in your mind is like fertilizing weeds” - with this quotation Katrin Lambert opened the 3rd session. I didn’t have to think long, because I felt encouraged to finally actively initiate the process of holistic healing and the dissolution of old patterns. The practices that Katrin applied were already effective after the first session and are sustainable and above all free of harmful side effects. These are good reasons to recommend her to others.


my offer

For me, each person represents a unique galaxy in the universal order of sacred geometry. To recognize and harmonize the disturbances and their causes in this system is my task and my joy.

Every problem, discomfort, dis-ease, every form of lack of energy usually has an energetic cause. It can be on the physical, psychological, mental or karmic level, a blockade, a negative belief or an attachment. I will help you to track them down and lead them into transformation. You just have to be ready to get involved in the process and let go.


lecture about PraNeoHom© - vector shift of the system information, 2024


about me

I am trained ...

in the tradition of the PraNeoHom© and UrLicht9er - energetic vibration transformation and complement these methods with matrix quantum coaching and elements of shamanism.

As a test medium, I test the root causes of your concern and the methods to harmonize them, in resonance with your body-mind-spirit system. I never work against anything, but strive to balance the frequencies, which leads to an increase in vibration.


TRANSFORMATION CODE - Symbole der neuen Zeit, I & II, Simone Overath & Katrin Lambert, Schirner Verlag 2022 und 2023, order here in the shop (english translation available for part I)

I am am one of 44 co-authors of Cynthia Clayton´s book "COMPASS OF HOPE: User Manual for the Human Condition“ (order here)


Everything is frequency: crystals, images, essential oils, thoughts and words.

member of

member of

My work explained - Interview with Arielle Sullivan in 2021 

my work explained


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Make an appointment for a positioning session, free of charge.


+49 (0)173 530 33 21